Corporate Social Responsibilities

Corporate Social Responsibilities

Giving back to society has always been the forefront of the company & strategic contributions.

KNPC has been completely involved with giving back to charities and sponsorships especially those that focus on education, environmental enhancements, health and safety awareness, special needs education and well-being, as well as participating in cultural events.

Sponsorship & Charity

KPC & its subsidiaries are keen to highlight their role through policies aimed to engage the civil society, authorities, and associations in various fields, locally or internationally, in line with KPC’s strategic directions, through providing financial/moral support and participating in various events and activities, and this comes as a projection of the values of our society.

Sponsorship & Charity

Stakeholder Engagement

In 2016, KNPC took the active step to hire a consultant to produce a customized Stakeholder Engagement Process. This project not only identified the current gaps in communication with our Stakeholders but also mapped out the core and indirect Stakeholders. After spending weeks with each department at KNPC, the Consultants were able to build a process for engagement with the company’s Stakeholders. Our Stakeholder Engagement Process and consistent communication is a main priority for the company. We strive to continue to enhance and improve the relations with the Company’s Stakeholders. To do so, KNPC participates in Engagements for anyone who has an interest in the organization externally or internally.

Worker Welfare

Worker Welfare is a core procedure adopted by KNPC to ensure the quality of our workers’ conditions at both the work site and including their accommodations.

A new procedure on Welfare Guidelines for Contractors has been developed and implemented at KNPC. The procedure covers the welfare of workers including their recruitment, payment, working conditions, accommodation, transport etc.


A customized campaign was launched at KNPC among the contractors, and laborers of CFP. KNPC took a proactive step to highlight Kuwait’s Labor Law in a way that was clear to understand to all those working on KNPC site. This campaign highlighted the following points:

  • Accommodations
  • Passport Retention
  • Annual Leave
  • Overtime
  • Working hours
  • Salary

The objective of the campaign is to ensure that all those working at KNPC site are aware of their rights and have a system in place should they feel those rights have not been met.

The United National Development Plan (UNDP) in Kuwait also recognized our initiative and efforts toward human rights and commended KNPC on our efforts

Environmental Performance

Environmental Performance

The following represents KNPC’s performance pertaining its total energy consumption, categorized per type of energy consumed:

  2021/2020 2019/2018 Difference in performance
Total Fuel Consumption (GJ) 168.602,374.0 94,805,951.0 +73,796,423.00 GJ
Total Electricity Consumption (GJ) 9,865,453.0 7,437,444.0 +2.428,009.00 GJ


The following shows breakdown of Scope I and II emissions for KNPC performance from 2021-2018:

Total GHG Emissions (ToneCO2e)
  2021/2020 2019/2018 Difference in performance
Scope I (TonCO2e) 8,066,659.0 7,292,816.0 +10.6%
Scope II (TonCO2e) 2,189,392.8 1,611,878.0 +35.8%